Sonia San Martín Gutiérrez, como coordinadora del proyecto, participó en el día de ayer en la Mesa redonda de buenas prácticas celebrada en la Jornada de Seguimiento para asociaciones de cooperación de la Convocatoria Erasmus+Continue reading
Category: Senza categoria
New research published “Smartphones, the new addiction: Causes and Consequences for Elementary and High School Students According to Teachers and Experts”
An academic article just saw the light, carried out by the research team from the University of Burgos (Paula Rodríguez-Torrico, Sonia San-Martín, Nadia Jiménez) under the YOUNGMOB project. This work, published in the “Computers inContinue reading
The presentation of Youngmob Project
In the video, we can listen and watch the contribution of the project partners. You can find answers for this questions: What is YoungMob?What are the objectives of this project?Who are the partners involved? GoodContinue reading