New research published “Smartphones, the new addiction: Causes and Consequences for Elementary and High School Students According to Teachers and Experts”

An academic article just saw the light, carried out by the research team from the University of Burgos (Paula Rodríguez-Torrico, Sonia San-Martín, Nadia Jiménez) under the YOUNGMOB project.

This work, published in the “Computers in the Schools” journal, presents a conceptual model of Students’ Smartphone Addiction (SSA). Concretely, in this work, we aim to propose the causes and consequences of this addiction in the case of elementary and high school students.

First, a total of 90 articles were reviewed to define the conceptual model. Then, a qualitative analysis was used to explore this model empirically. To do so, 33 in-depth interviews with experts and teachers from four European countries (Spain, Portugal, Slovenia and Italy) were conducted.

The literature review shows the multifaceted nature of SSA. According to the literature, SSA is the result of biological, psychological, social, and technological factors and leads to health, performance, and social problems. The qualitative analysis identifies specific areas to develop this proposed conceptual model, based on the views of experts and teachers in relation to SSA.

Access to the publication here.

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