UBU Team
Sonia San-Martín
Sonia San-Martín, PhD. is Full Professor at the University of Burgos (Spain). She is lecturer and researcher in Marketing and has been the Marketing Manager of the University for three years. Her current research areas include international marketing, tourism, consumer behaviour, electronic commerce and mobile commerce. She has presented papers in national and international conferences organized by AEMARK, ACEDE, IADIS and EMAC. She has published in more than 100 national and international journals. She is the leader of the YOUNGMOB European project and has been the leader of other national projects on mobile commerce. She has received several awards for her research from AEDIPE, ESIC, CES and FEC.
Nadia Jiménez
Nadia Jiménez, PhD. is Associate Professor at the University of Burgos (Spain). She is a lecturer and researcher in the marketing area. Her current research areas include international marketing, consumer behaviour, electronic and mobile commerce, branding and gaming. She has written several book chapters and has published in national and international journals such as the International Business Review, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Electronic Markets and Industrial Management & Data Systems, among others. She has received several national and international awards for her research. Also, she participates in national and European research Projects of MINNECO and ERASMUS+.
Carlos Larrinaga González
Carlos Larrinaga is professor of accounting at the University of Burgos, Spain. He also is a research fellow of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research, University of St Andrews. Formerly he served at the University of Seville, where he got a Ph.D. in 1995 and at Carlos III University. His interests are the role of business in sustainable development, particularly the disclosure of their social and environmental impacts. He has published in a number of journals that include Accounting, Organizations and Society, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Journal of Business Ethics and European Accounting Review. He serves in the editorial board of journals such as Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Accounting and Business Research, Accounting Forum and Critical Perspectives on Accounting. He is Associated Editor of the European Accounting Review.
Paula Rodríguez Torrico
Paula Rodríguez-Torrico, PhD. is an Assistant Professor at the University of Burgos. Her main research focuses on omnichannel consumer behavior. Her research areas include consumer behavior, digital marketing, and tourism research. She has published her work in scientific journals such as Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Marketing Management and Current Issues in Tourism. She has attended and participated in several scientific conferences and received awards for her research. She has participated in different research projects.
IPLeiria Team
Neuza Ribeiro
Neuza Ribeiro received a Post-doc in Management (2013) with the topic “How authentic leadership explain team performance: The mediating role of affective commitment, positive emotions and team virtuousness” and a PhD in Industrial Management with a specialization in Organizational Behavior from Aveiro University (2010). She is professor of human resources management and organizational behavior at the School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal, and coordinator of CARME – Center of Applied Research in Management and Economics. She was guest professor in MBA Program from Faculty of Economics of University of Coimbra and also in Human Resources Management Master from Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra. Her research focuses broadly on human resources management and organizational behavior. She published more than 20 papers on these topics in indexed journals such as Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. She participated in more than 60 national and international conferences and received 5 best paper awards. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1228-2522
Alzira Marques
Alzira Marques, PhD in Management, specialized in Strategy and Organizational Behavior. She is professor of Relationship Marketing, Strategic and Convergence Marketing at the School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal, and a researcher at CARME – Center of Applied Research in Management and Economics. She was guest professor in Strategic Management in Faculty of Economics of University of Coimbra and she had experience in teaching in Brazil, Mozambique and Cape Verde. She has done communication and marketing plans for external stakeholders. Project member entitled “Ceramics, Heritage and Sustainable Products – from education to industry”. Nominated by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education – A3ES since 2013 as evaluation expert of study cycles promoting and ensuring the quality of higher education. Her research focuses broadly on Relationship Marketing, Digital Marketing, Strategy and Organizational Behavior which is contemplated in her book, book chapters, conference communications, national and international journals such as European Business Review, Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, European Journal of Marketing and The International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology. Today she has 73 inputs in https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6607-852X
Susana Rodrigues
Susana Rodrigues has a PhD degree in strategic management, from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom. From 1992-2010 and from 2015 up to now, she has been a Lecturer at the Higher School of Management and Technology of Leiria, of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal mainly in the areas of strategic management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Marketing of New Products at both the bachelor and master levels. She lectured in advance training programmes for executives and she was a trainer of several executive courses in strategic management, and in European financed projects for the D. Dinis Business School. She also lectured to executive MBA programmes at ADA University, Baku Azerbaijan. She has been involved in the coordination and development of national and European financed projects. From December 1992 to December 1994, she was in charged of the co-financed Training courses of European Social Fund for the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. She has participated and submitted several projects to the national (Portuguese) strategic reference board. She has been involved in several entrepreneurship activities: as member of the jury of entrepreneurship contests, as mentor, or as lecturer. She lectured the entrepreneurship module both online and at classes. She has patent for an innovative product. From May 2010 to May 2014, she was the School Director of the Higher School of Arts and Design of Caldas da Rainha, of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal. She has been involved in the organization of international conferences. Since 2006, she’s member of the organiser committee of the international conference GBATA. She is also member of the Scientific committee for the European Conference on Intellectual Capital (ECIC) and the International Conference on Tourism Research (ICTR). She has several publications: readings books, book chapters and papers. She’s Regional Editor for Europe, of the Journal of Global Business and Technology (JGBAT). She’s a member of the Centre of Applied Research in Management and Economics. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6544-7001
Gestionet Team
Máximo Sedano
![Maxi Sedano Gestionet](http://youngmob.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/0.jpg)
Máximo Sedano Hoyuelos has a degree in Economics and Business Studies and is currently working on a doctoral thesis on economics, economic analysis and quantitative and econometric techniques. In the professional field, he has 10 years of experience in the development of econometric algorithms for business simulators and in the scripting of gamification tools for the educational field.
Daniel González
![Daniel González Gestionet](http://youngmob.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Screenshot_4.png)
Daniel González Álvarez has a degree in Music Education from the University of Oviedo, and has also completed a Master’s degree in Marketing and Audiovisual Communication and a Master’s degree in Social Media applied to Marketing. Daniel González presents with five years of experience as artistic/creative director and director of multimedia projects and gamma dynamics.
Juan David Sánchez
![Juan David Sánchez Gestionet](http://youngmob.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/0-1.jpg)
Engineer and MBA with a creative attitude to solve complex problems. Have been managing projects in different countries during the last 5 years with an extraordinary leadership capacity to transmit solutions to interdisciplinary teams. 2 years of specific experience in business development and negotiation to manage and achieve technological projects for HR management in large companies. 8 projects achieved (Europe and LATAM).
Center Spirala Team
Toni Vrana
Toni Vrana, concept developer, social worker, educated from transactional analysis, NLP, and master coaching. Designer of selfmobility thinking model, career coach and adult educator about selfmobility issues. Researcher and evaluator inside international and domestic projects under PHARE, LDV, Erasmus+ programs since 2002 until now, by addressing various societal topics; as identity crisis in the light of humanistic doctrine, leading of change, brain drain of university-educated people, recognition of non-formal skills, coaching for teachers, recognition of non-formal and informal learning, competences of female prisoners and ex-offenders, social responsibility in health and social care sector. Investigator of sustainable development practices and initiator of developmental alchemy –DEAL concept.
Danica Hrovatič
Danica Hrovatič, MSc in HRM and working relations. Sociologist and social worker, president of Association of social workers in Slovenia, member of Social Chamber of Slovenia from 1996-2006. Investigator of a sustainable developmental model of GNH-Gross National Happiness. Supervisor for the organizations and employees who work with people, and personal advisor. Expert role in international and domestic projects under PHARE, LDV, Grundtvig, Erasmus+ programs since 2004 until now, by including different kinds of topics; social responsibility in health and social care sector, coaching for teachers, recognition of non-formal and informal learning, vocational qualification for people with special needs, professional profiles in caring for the elderly, value of work from competence perspective, transfer standard of social care at home, personal mastery and collective intelligence, competences of female prisoners and ex-offenders, leading of change.
Polibienestar Team
Jorge Garcés Ferrer
Jorge Garcés Ferrer, PhD, is Full Professor at the University of Valencia (Spain) and Professor Prince of Asturias at Georgetown University in Washington DC (USA). Director of Director of the Polibienestar Research Institute at the University of Valencia (Polibienestar). As a researcher, he works at Polibienestar, a centre specialized in research and consultancy in public policies with an interdisciplinary methodological approach. His studies have focused on Comparative European Social Policy, especially on ageing and social innovation and on increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of long-term care policies in Europe. He has been a principal researcher or member of the research team for nearly 100 research projects and contracts with the central, regional and European administration. He is the author and/or co-author of 25 books written in Spanish, Valencian, German and English as well as more than 100 scientific articles and has participated in nearly 200 national and international conferences related to the design, management and evaluation of public policies, especially social policies.
Nuria Moret Soler
He studied a degree in Sociology at the University of Valencia in the period 2014 – 2018, with a mention in Contemporary History and Introduction to Political Science. She has the titles of Higher Technique in Secretarial Work (2014), Higher Technique in Commerce and Marketing (2011) and Administrative Assistant Technique (2009). She did curricular and extracurricular practices of the Degree in Sociology at the Institute for Research in Social Welfare Policies (Polibienestar). Since 2019 he has been working as a Laboratory Officer in support of research in the development of European projects.
MEC Team
Gregorio Ceccone
Pedagogist, Counsellor, Trainer, Social Media Manager. Since 2007 works with children, teens and adults on the theme of Media Education. From 2004 he meets thousands of students, parents and adults to promote a digital education promoting a serene digital education, aware, free from stereotypes and harmful fears. He collaborates with cooperatives, professionals, individuals, schools, companies, agencies. Since 2016 collaborates with MEC (Media Education Community) Association and leads workshops for children, teachers and parents on media education. He participates in national and European research Projects of ERASMUS+.
Maria Lipone
Lawyer, sociologist and counselor, expert in mediation and conflict prevention, for 15 years she has carried out training activities in schools and coordinates education projects for global citizenship, integration and youth participation. Since 2019 he collaborates with MEC (Media Education Community) Association and leads workshops for children, teachers and parents on media education, the management of bullying and cyberbullying cases and the application of restorative justice approaches and mediation techniques . Since January 2020 he has been coordinating a Regional Cyberbullying Desk.
Colegio Aurelio Gómez Escolar Team
Gregorio Casado
Spanish, resident in Burgos, teacher at the Aurelio Gómez School (Burgos, Spain) since 1996. Professor specialized in Chemistry and Physics. Graduated in Cc. Chemistry (1991). Degree in Food Science and Technology (1993). University Master in Wine Culture: Wine Tourism in the Duero River Basin (2020). Latest educational projects developed in the cooperative system with other Spanish and European centres: 2014-1-ES01-KA201-004362, 2016‐ 1‐ ES01‐ KA201‐024948, 2017-ES01-KA201-038049, 2017-ES01-KA219-037967, 2018-1-ES01-KA201-049936, MAA14/00135, Proyecto Inovacción educativa JCyL (PIE) BOE 7/2/15 Resolución 3/12/14, 2018-1-FR01-KA229-047807. Latest awards and nominations for educational work: National Future Values Award, BBVA corporate society, Co-Coordinator of the “Conectando aulas” project (2014) and JUAN CARLOS ESTÉBANEZ Award granted by the City Council of Burgos (2015).
Blanca Arroyo Alonso
Music, Spanish and Literature secondary school teacher at Aurelio Gomez Escolar school since 2011. She did her music studies at Burgos’ Music Conservatory with a specialty in transverse flute and later a journalism degree at Carlos III University in Madrid. Blanca worked in different communication companies before starting her education career once she had finished a Teacher training’s Master at Autónoma University of Madrid.
She is a tutor of the first years of secondary school and she has been leading Erasmus projects at school for the last few years. She encourages the culture exchanges through the Erasmus’ projects, giving the students a great opportunity to travel and live new experiences. In a permanent learning and recycling, currently she is studying Spanish’s degree at Burgos University.
Mª Carmen Peña Mambrillas
She is an English and Spanish and Literature secondary school teacher at Aurelio Gomez Escolar school. She finished her studies of English philology at the University of Valladolid in 1997. Then she did English studies in the UK, where she was also working in a Primary School for a time. After that, she went for a year to France as a Spanish assistant and she kept on studying languages living in Germany for another eight months. She started working in different schools as a secondary English teacher and she taught English to adult people in different companies before starting to work at Aurelio Gómez Escolar school in 2004. Once there, she continued with her learning and she got her primary school teacher’s diploma in foreign languages, English and French, at the University of Burgos. Currently, she is also a tutor of the 4th year of secondary school. She is part of the team that has coordinated some different Erasmus projects at the Aurelio Gómez Escolar School for the last six years. She encourages culture exchanges through them and she is very conscious of the opportunity that these programmes give to students in order to learn, travel and live new experiences.